Onion Rye Bread (ABM) Recipe


1 teaspoon fast action dried yeast
3 1/2 ozs rye flour
12 1/2 ozs white bread flour
2 tablespoons dried onion slices
1 tablespoon dried dill
1 tablespoon dill seeds
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons skimmed milk powder
2 teaspoons light muscovado sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
10 fluid ounces oz water


The quantities are for 2 small loaves using the dough cycle only and shaping for baking in a standard oven. However, I have successfully produced a largish loaf in the pan through the whole ABM cycle.

The order of ingredients depends on the type of ABM. Go by your own manufacturer’s instructions.

For the largish loaf, use the basic setting (4 hours in mine). If baking in a standard oven, remove after the dough cycle and split the dough in 2 pieces.

Flatten each one, fold over a few times and form into torpedo shapes. Cover with oiled film and leave to rise for around 45 minutes in a warm spot.

Slash the tops of the loaves diagonally and bake at 220 deg C for around 20 mins.